Monday, February 18, 2008


Hey everyone,
Well this week we found out where we are heading to on our first spike mission.... Pickens South Carolina. We are tutoring at a k-5 elementary school called Ambler Elementary School, it's in a low income community and we also get to help tear down and rebuild a foot bridge. Thats all the info i really have on it now but as soon as i hear more i will post. This last week has been pretty slow, lots of rain and cold temperatures. We had lectures everyday at UD and got Red Cross disaster certified. Our house finished the week with a Valentine party with the boys next door, it was a potluck party seeing that we don't have enough money to cook for more then ourselves. I have to go because it sunny and 70 degrees out!!!!!! So amazing. I will get back soon. love everyone tons!!
love always xoxoxoxox

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Eagle 7, oh ya!!

Hello from the bitter east coast!!!
Yes it's still winter over here and yes the cali girl is still cold, but luckily thats the only bad thing going on. This last week we received our teams for the rest of the year. I'm one of the oldest and as usual the spunkiest, my team is a little on the quite side but im doing my best to change that. This week has also been a ton of training, it's what were doing all month long, up at the University of Delaware. I'm now CPR, first aid certified and so many other things. We wear our matching uniforms everywhere so we look super cool all 300 of us. I have found out a tons of interesting facts about NCCC in the last week, such as the reason we are still operating is because NCCC has done 60% of the clean up down in the gulf coast but have only comprised of about 20-30% of the work force. We will get to be down in the gulf at least 2 out of 4 spike trips we go on, so it's going to be amazing. Also everyone hears that New Orleans area is almost all rebuilt, which is true but what you don't hear is that St Johns Parish right outside of N.O. is only about 10% rebuilt.
This week we also did get a break from the school thing, we got to go down to Baltimore for a service project. We worked with People to Parks organization and a community parks and trails group to clean up a trial head and weed out some non-native species. It was a nice day and it was awsome to get out and get dirty. We ended up finding 30 or so used tires at the top of the hill and spent afternoon tossing them down and watching them roll. It sounds lame but it was so much fun, probably because i now live in whats called the "ameri-bubble" we no access to tv, newspaper or a computer that often we end up living in a bubble. There is also ameri-love, ameri-crush, ameri-idol, and anything else you can think of. I have met some awesome people and meeting more and more everyday. It's all so different but as i have decided to just take everyday as it comes it's becoming easier and easier.
Lastly i wanted to give you an example of what a day here looks like. Lets take Thursday
4:35 wake up, 4:55 leave the house to walk over to the gym for P.T. 5:15-6:15 P.T. 6:20 get back home, shower get ready for the day 7 picked up drive to UD 8 morning lecture 10 team time, get to know you games, paper work 12-1 sack lunch 1:15 lecture on safety 3-3:30 energizer 3:30-4:30 all core member event 4:30 head back home 5:30 dropped of rest of the night make dinner talk some reading and then hit the sack. sounds bad but it's not to bad.
Also if you were wondering about the eagle 7 thats our team name. There are 4 different units eagle, badger, wolf and raven. each unit has about 7 teams in them and each team has between 9-11 corps members in them. thats all for now i will try to get over to the lab more often so these are not that long. Love everyone and i will talk to you later!!!